Standard Tournament Rules

(Revised 10/10/2024)

    1. All teams must register within their current season age division and competition level. Teams that misrepresent themselves will be forfeited out of all trophy competition.
    2. For fall, spring and end of season CMSA sponsored tournaments; all teams (including CMSA registered league members) must e-mail in a preliminary copy of their current USSF youth affiliated roster. If you have to make any adjustment to your roster (i.e. guest player, add/drop) then you will need to submit a copy of the updated roster to the tournament director on site prior to your first game.
    3. Teams that do not have a roster on file prior with the tournament director by the start of the first game will be subject to immediate disqualification from trophy competition.
    4. Teams are allowed a maximum of three (3) guest players provided they do not exceed the CMSA roster limits as listed in #11. Guest players must be of the same affiliation as your existing team (i.e. SAY team = SAY players, US Club team = US Club players, MSYSA = MSYSA players, etc.).
    5. Teams are allowed three (3) guest players provided the team remains within the Fall CMSA roster maximum permitted for 7v7 teams of 14 players; for 9v9 teams of 16 players, and for 11v11 teams of 18 players; High School Age group teams (U15 to U18) may carry up to 22 players.
      Spring Tournament Rosters are limited to 16 players for all 7v7 competition; 18 players for all 9v9 competition; and 20 players for U13 & 14 and 22 players for U15 through U18 in all 11v11 competition.
    6. There are no refunds after the advertised early registration date. Any team that withdraws from the tournament after that date will not receive a refund.
    7. If the tournament is canceled in whole or shortened in part for any reason, including inclement weather or any other "Act of God," no total refunds will be given; a pro-rated refund credit will be issued per the decision of the tournament committee.
    8. The Tournament Committee and the Central Maryland Soccer Association will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team, club or organization if the tournament is canceled in whole or in part. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the operation of the tournament and its judgment is final.
    9. No team will be entered or bracketed into the Tournament until all fees and registration materials have been received.
    1. Girls may play on boys’ teams, but boys cannot play on girls’ teams.
    2. The coach of each team is responsible to have a copy of their USSF certified roster and a valid photo ID for each player at all tournament games.
    3. Tournament Rosters are fixed as of the start of the first game.
    4. Players can always play up in age, never down.
    1. Age brackets are established in accordance with F.I.F.A. rules.
    1. If inclement weather causes the stoppage of a game after one half or more of the game has been played at the time it is stopped, the game shall be considered as complete. If less than one half has been completed, a 0-0 tie will be awarded by the Tournament Committee.
    2. The site director, in accordance with the referees, shall be the judge(s) of the conditions of the playing fields.
    3. In the event that all games scheduled for the first day of the tournament are canceled; the tournament reserves the right where feasible, to adjust the schedule and time duration of the games to provide all participants with their three guaranteed games. In the case of the second day of the event being canceled, final results will be determined using the tie breaking procedure.
    4. Inclement weather information will be posted on the tournament’s home page which is assessable from the website’s index page.
    1. Officials have the right to eject from the game or from the playing area any player, coach, manager or spectator who commits a flagrant offense.
    2. Any player ejected (red carded) from a game may not be replaced for the remainder of that game, and the team must complete the game in a “player down” situation.
    3. Any player or coach ejected from a game must sit out the team’s next scheduled game.
    4. Yellow/Red card rule is in effect. Any player receiving two yellow cards during a game will receive an automatic red card and will have to sit out the remainder of the game. The team is allowed to substitute for the ejected player, and the ejected player will be allowed to play in the team’s next game.
    5. A player red carded for taunting will receive an automatic Yellow/Red card.
    6. No spectators are allowed on the field of play or behind the goal areas during a match. Teams shall take opposite sides of the field from the spectators. Coaching is allowed only from your team’s area of the field, 25 yards from the side of the center line.
    7. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, families and fans.
    8. Teams are responsible to clean up their bench area at the conclusion of each game. We are guests of the local venue you and you are expected to treat the facilities in the same manner that you would like your community treated.
    9. The venues are smoke free, alcohol free and pet free. No air horns or noisemakers are allowed at any venues. We appreciate your cooperation.
    1. Coaches are required to verify their scores immediately after each game with the referee of their game.
    2. Standings will be posted at
    3. All play will be in accordance with F.I.F.A. rules except as described below.
    4. All tournament games will consist of two 25-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime.
    5. In any preliminary (round robin) game which ends in a tie, there will be no overtime
    6. Forfeit time is ten minutes after scheduled start time. If the start time is delayed by the preceding game, both teams must be ready to play immediately at the conclusion of the preceding game
    7. All decisions of the referees are final and binding and cannot be protested.
    8. No hard casts.
    9. No hard hair clips, beads, or combs.
    10. No metal cleats
    • POINTS are awarded as follows:
      • WIN 3 Points
      • TIE 1 Point
      • LOSS 0 Points
    • PLAY-OFFS:
      In 3, 4 and 5 team brackets the first place team (by point total) will be declared the winner, and the second place team will be declared the runner-up at the end of preliminary play.
      In any division with two brackets, the first place team from each bracket will play in a Championship Game.
      In 6 team divisions composed of two multiple ages; each team will play the teams in their bracket with one crossover game; with a final game between the 1st place teams.
      If any ties exist in the standings, the following tie-breaker procedure will be followed in the order listed:
      1. Most wins.
      2. Head to Head competition (not applicable in Wild Card decisions).
      3. Fewer goals allowed.
      4. Goal differential (maximum 3 per game).
      5. Coin toss.
    1. If a tie exists at the end of any semi-final or championship game, the game will be extended by two 5-minute “sudden victory” periods.
    2. If the score remains tied at the end of the two sudden victory periods, the tie will be broken by a shoot-out.
    3. The shoot-out will consist of five players selected from each team from those who were on the field at the conclusion of sudden victory.
    4. If the game remains tied after the first five players shoot, the remaining players who were on the field at the end of sudden victory will then enter the shoot-out until a sudden victory winner is achieved.